Seeing God's Plan Unfold
Not too long ago I was a Christian who believed in faith. I believed in a God who preformed miracles and did amazing things. I lived my life in semi-comatose state of Christianity. Just existing, praying to God in a voice of desperation. Thinking that the way I was living was the way that Christians lived. That you studied the word, went to church, did your serving and that all the reward would be given to you in the form of a crown when you got to heaven and he who had the biggest crown did the best on Earth. What a farce! I am now a Christian who has extraordinary faith. A Christian who knows that God has preformed miracles in my life and done things that could have only happen through him. I now live my life in a state of talking to God and experiencing the little (and BIG) things that he does that lets me know that He is there and that He loves me. I pray now to God who is my father and my closest friend. I live in a constant conversation with him and know that even thou...