Okay so yes it is 3:20am and I can't fall back asleep so I figured I would download a new app that will let me post to my blog easily from my iPhone. This is a test to see if it works. I repeat: this is only a test.
I totally love this site. So here is the link to my pinterest page. http://pinterest.com/VALadyNole/ Oh yeah and I got a tattoo... And posting a picture I can pin to my Blogs I Follow board. :-)
Why do most Gator fans always feel the need to rain on everyone else's parade? (Note I said MOST!) Seriously. It gets a little old. We get it you had a great run. Most schools do have a great run somewhere in their history. Wow!!! I will celebrate my teams victories even if you did it first. Get over yourselves. Believe me everyone knows at least one Gator fan who just doesn't get that you like the Seminoles (or whatever other team) and is always trying to convince you that you are stupid because of this. Plus, the only way to right your stupidity is to become a Gator fan. I think not. ERGH! I LOVE MY SEMINOLES!! Don't ever forget that!!
Today I sat down to have lunch with fellow professionals. 5 women and 1 man. We all work in the child protective services. We were enjoying ourselves talking and getting to know each other a little better. One of these professionals says that she was born in New York. The one man at the table asks her exactly where and she said Manhattan. He tells her that he is from Brooklyn. Once this is said we all know what the next question is going to be...here are their stories. The guy from Brooklyn said he was at work and was sent home after the second tower was struck. He said the entire ride home the thing that stuck out to him the most was the deafening silence. In a city where it is never quiet he couldn't hear a bus, the subway, sirens, or voices. He said that as he drove people waved at him. "In NY if you look at someone too long it starts a fight and now people are waving at me." When he got home he went to the roof of his building where he watched the twin towers crumble...