Top 10 Pet Peeves

Top Ten Pet Peeves...

10. Leaving the toilet seat up.

9. When someone pulls out in front of me when NO ONE is behind me

8. When wait staff doesn't refill my drink. Fastest way to lose your tip.

7. Having more than the specified number of items in the quick checkout lanes.

6. Going for food in the cabinet and finding only crumbs in the package.

5. People who don't say thank you when you do them a favor.

4. When someone thinks their opinion is the only option without educating themselves on the whole issue.


2. When someone gets up before me and wakes up the entire house, turns on all the lights, and turns on the TV. Then leaves and leaves it all on. 

1. Being a Gator Fan. (However this pet peeve can be overlooked if I love you enough!)
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