Crazy Tot Mom

Okay first of all I am not proud that I am caught up in this crazy trial.  That being said I find it quite interesting.

Do I think she did it?  Yeah, sad to say I do.  I think she was using chloroform as a nanny and that she over did it.  I think that in a panic, when she could not reach her parents for help that she put that baby girl in her trunk.  In disbelief of what happened she decided after watching the movies she did that her best bet was to fake a kidnapping.  She then duct taped her little girl's nose and mouth, put her in several garbage bags and attempted to bury her.  When she could stomach the fact her dead little girl would be buried in her backyard (a constant reminder of what she did) she dumped that precious child in the woods near her home.

I think that doing all that made her crazy.  But she was lying long before that little girl was born.  I am so sad for that baby girl and as I watch my own daughter grow up I can't help but to think of all the milestones and experiences that her own mother robbed her of.  And my heart breaks for the others who loved and cherished that beautiful child.

So I am caught up in this thing and I hope that in the end that family finds justice.


Jacquie said…
I must admit I've gotten caught up in the craziness of this trial too!! Now we listen to it at work instead of the lovely radio. It's sad a precious little girl's life had to end. It's sad the decisions Casey made, whatever ALL of those were, have affected so many peoples lives around her.

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