How are you? What is going on? You okay? Depending on the time of the day or the minute I just survived the answer could be hopeful or hopeless. I keep it inside mostly, because for years I was afraid to let the truth out. The truth of what I was going through, the depth of the pain and hurt, the sheer exhaustiveness that was my life. So I ask myself these questions: Where am I at? What am I going through? What have I survived? How do I move forward? Is it possible to heal? I am grieving. I am in grief over the loss of what I thought my life would be and the loss of my grandfather. To start you have to review the traditional stages of grief. 1. Denial and Isolation, I am not in denial that my marriage is over, that I quit my job, or that my grandfather is gone. I am in denial that the lifelong image of what I pictured my life being. I saw myself as happy with two beautiful childre...