White as Snow…Again!?

 Oy! My post “White as Snow” from 2014 was powerful and real and somehow…I lost it. 

How is it that 8 years later I still sit here feeling a lot of what I felt then? Is it because I picked it up again? The debt of sin that I had forgiven myself for? Yep. I think that’s it. 

I really want to try. My faith was such a large part of who I was for 30+ years of my life but somehow I can’t let that forgiveness stick. Anytime I feel myself getting closer to my faith I feel the guilt and the Devil start in on me again. 

I have done this all my life with Larry and forgiving him and picking it back up again. Now I have just replaced the abandonment I had with his role in my life with the guilt of my divorce and choices I have made in my life. I know I’d make them again because I wouldn’t have Micah and Liberty without them. And those children are more than worth every ounce of guilt and pain I have endured. 

As I am writing this I realize that in March of 2014 my life was in total chaos. Just a few months later in July I moved back to Leesburg, started a new job, broke it off with Jacob, met Mike, and lost the pregnancy all before 2015. Then on April 4, 2015…Harold died. 

*deep breath*

So much of the Christian faith is wrapped up in the Father. I has such a short amount of time living in the forgiveness I got back on Father’s Day 2007. The relief I felt when I posted that blog was so similar to that relief I felt in 2007. I think Harold being taken from me brought the weight of my guilt and sin back but grief does that. Doesn’t it? Also my chaos in the last part of 2014 and the loss attached to the unknown life…

Forgiven sinners forgive sin. I need to tell myself that a lot more. Put down my guilt and sin and stop, for the love of faith and sanity, picking it back up. I can do that. I don’t know if I can do church, at least not until I don’t feel like a sinner all the time. I can’t get married again until I know that my mere existence is going to hurt Mike. Hurt people hurt people. So somewhere between forgiveness and healing I will find out who I am again in my faith and in my existence. 

I want to feel proud of who I am again. Be the person Harold was proud of again. Then maybe God can be proud of me again too. 


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